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Synonymous with hyperlinks, anchor refers to non-linear links among documents. Or more simply put, it's the word or phrase that can be selected to connect to another page or resource.


The range of transmission frequencies a network can use. The greater the bandwidth the more information that can be transferred over that network at one time. The term bandwidth also broadly includes throughput, meaning the amount of data sent.

Broadband A transmission method in which the networks range of transmission frequencies is divided into separate channels and each channel is used to send a different signal. Broadband is often used to send different types of signals simultaneously.
Browser A type of software that allows you to navigate information databases; examples are Netscape Navigator and NCSA Mosaic.
Byte The number of bits used to represent a character.
Configuration This is a general-purpose computer term that can refer to the way you have your computer set up. It is also used to describe the total combination of hardware components that make up a computer system and the software settings that allow various hardware components of a computer system to communicate with one another.
Configure The act of changing software or hardware actions by changing the settings.
Cyberspace A term coined by William Gibson in his novel "Neuromancer" to refer to a near-future computer network where users mentally travel through matrices of data.
Direct Connection A permanent connection between your computer system and the Internet. This is sometimes referred to as a leased-line connection because the line is leased from the telephone company.
DNS An acronym for Domain Name Server, DNS refers to a database of Internet names and addresses which translates the names to the official Internet Protocol numbers and vice versa.
Document When used in reference to the World Wide Web, a document is any file containing text, media or hyperlinks that can be transferred from an HTTP server to a client program.
Document Window This is the Web browser's scrollable window in which HTML documents can be viewed.
Domain name The address used to find a website on the World Wide Web.
Download To transfer to your computer a copy of a file that resides on another computer.
External Viewer A program used for presenting graphics, audio and video files. Programs that allow the viewing of GIF and JPEG files and the hearing of AU files fall into this category.
FAQ This is the acronym for Frequently Asked Questions. A common feature on the Internet, FAQs are files of answers to commonly asked questions.
Firewall This term refers to security measures designed to protect a networked system from unauthorized or unwelcome access.
FTP File Transfer Protocol is a protocol that allows the transfer of files from one computer to another. FTP is also the verb used to describe the act of transferring files from one computer to another.
GIF This acronym stands for Graphic Interchange Format, a commonly used file compression format developed by CompuServe for transferring graphics files to and from online services.
Home Page The document displayed when you first open your Web browser. Home Page can also refer to the first document you come to at a Web site.
HTML An acronym for HyperText Markup Language, HTML is the language used to tag various parts of a Web document so browsing software will know how to display that document's links, text, graphics and attached media.
HTML Document A document written in HyperText Markup Language.
HTTP The abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP is used to link and transfer hypertext documents.
Hypermedia The hypertext concept extended to include linked multiple media.
Hypertext This term describes the system that allows documents to be cross- linked in such a way that the reader can explore related documents by clicking on a highlighted word or symbol.
IP The abbreviation for Internet Protocol, IP refers to the set of communication standards that control communications activity on the Internet. An IP address is the number assigned to any Internet-connected computer.
ISDN The abbreviation for Integrated Services Digital Network, ISDN is a telecommunications standard that uses digital transmission technology to support voice, video and data communications applications over regular telephone lines.
JPEG The acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group, JPEG is an image compression format used to transfer color photographs and images over computer networks. Along with GIF, it's one of the most common ways photos are moved over the Web.
Links These are the hypertext connections between Web pages. This is a synonym for hotlinks or hyperlinks.
Live When used in reference to a World Wide Web file, this term designates an object linked to another layer of information.
MPEG The acronym for Moving Pictures Expert Group, MPEG is an international standard for video compression and desktop movie presentation. A special viewing application is needed to run MPEG files on your computer.
POP An acronym for Point of Presence, POP is a service provider's location for connecting to users. Generally, POPs refer to the location where people can dial into the provider's host computer. Most providers have several POPs to allow low-cost access via telephone lines.
Protocol A set of standards that define how traffic and communications are handled by a computer or network routers.
QuickTime This is a digital video standard developed for Apple Macintosh computers. Special viewing applications are needed to run QuickTime movies.
Redelegation Transfer of web services, emails and website from one provider to another
Search Engine This term refers to a program that helps users find information in text-oriented databases.
Search Engine Optimisation The process of promoting a business online to achieve better search engine rankings for relevant, targeted keyphrases. Search engine optimization refers to optimizing the html and content of a website for both search engines and visitors in order to attain higher rankings than competing websites. Search engine optimization will increase qualified traffic and generate customer enquiries that ultimately convert to sales.
Server A computer system that manages and delivers information for client computers. Note: in an X-11 environment, the meanings of client and server are reversed.
URL This is the abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator, the addressing system used in the World Wide Web and other Internet resources. The URL contains information about the method of access, the server to be accessed and the path of any file to be accessed.
Web Browser This is the software that allows a user to access and view HTML documents. Examples of Web browsers include Netscape, Mosaic, Cello and Lynx.
Webmaster This term refers to the person in charge of administrating a World Wide Web site.
Web Page An HTML document that is accessible on the Web.
Webspace This term refers to the space created by the World Wide Web.
World Wide Web Also known as WWW or W3, the World Wide Web is a hypertext- based Internet service used for browsing Internet resources.